Engelska Wraithlook
I think that Jen had also been crushed by a truck as Christine and now she was on the way to come to the web site wraithlook so that Martin and all of Jen's other friends would believe that they could find her again and that Jen would erase for the death as Jesus Christ did but today it's impossible to erase for the death and live again. I think what actually happened to Jen was that a man capturing children and let them work for him to build a huge project and that this man would have a spaceship to ride in the space with and land on the moon and discover the moon and after this the man would torture all the children and then bind them at a post and then let them starving and after that die so it would be a really pinfull death.
I think Jen feels like a fool, like retarded who believed that she and Martin could find Christine again and that they would be friends again. And now when Jen nows what is going to happen she is shivering a lot and her heart is beating fast cause she is very frightened, afraid or scared about that they are going to starve until they die if not anyone saves them from this naughty, mean and scary man.
Now she, Christine and the others are at the space center and they are building this man's launcher it's like a Saturn V Rocket Launcher as The U.S had once in the history. They are working very hard every day with building this rocket launcher. Some children are producing gas for the rocket launcher, some children are producing metal for the rocket launcher, some children are putting the metal bitens together like puzzle bites. And finally some children are building a launcher for the rocket so it will go up in the space through the atmospeare and out in the space.
Yes Jen can come back if Martin saves them all from this terrible, mean, evil and naughty man.
The thing that actually happened that night was that Martin stopped surfing on the Internet as often as he usually did and he started worry about Jen, his mother, Christine and about the dog. He didn't believe that Jen, Christine, his mother and the dog could have dissapeared just like that Martin thought there must be a logical reason to why they first are gone and then afterwards you can see them on the web site Wraithlook just to frighten Martin and to never try to find his friends and his real first girlfriend. And then Martin came up with the idea about that they maybe would be captured by someone who is interessted and needs children to make some work for him. Martin tried to find some suspicous persons in the city or some suspicous companies who perhaps would have captured some children. But then suddenly one day Martin chatted with an unknown person and Martin thought this person was the one who captured his friends. So Martin pretended he wanted to bind this children at a post for the mean man and Martin said to him to take the children to him. The man said he would come over with the kids right of. Meanwhile Martin called the cops and said to them to come and take this big culprit. And so they did when the culprit came over to Martin's house. This culprit was very stunned over how a small child could cheat him. And the culprit was punished with jale, or prison for the rest of his life. And all the children thanked Martin for being so Cleveland and saving them all from starvation.
A New Word I've learnt is Wraith= Spöke.
Work done by: Filip Andelic
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