måndag 24 mars 2014

Episode 14 Holly's heroes. Fish and championships.

Max is laying on an arm-chair and he's being forced by Jacinta and Holly to rest because he's sick.

At the same Tony is working. Then Emily appeared and told Tony that she saw a poacher. But it was just Tony's fellow worker Sophie.

After that Holly's mom and Alan told them that the New coach of The Outlaws would be Alan Peterson and that The Oultaws would play in the panpacs league if they had to pay.

So everyone in The Outlaws made some kind of treaty that Holly, Jacinta, Nick, Ralph, and Johnno would try to raise the money.

Alan Peterson told his players to take places from The Outlaws if they couldn't make it to the PanPacs.

So Ralph and Johnno sold lamburgers the whole week Holly, Nick and Jacinta made money with the boatrentals.  And Emily had an underwater show in the boatshed and Sophie was really stunned with Emily's amazing work so Emily became a coastal cadet. 

But when they've counted the money for the panpacs then someone is going to miss. Emily told Johnno that she wouldn't play basketball anymore than Johnno and he took himself into the squad of 6 Outlaws players at last.

The message from this episode was that nothing is impossible you could do everything just if you have the strong will to do something then you'll make it as The Outlaws did they worked as a team outside the court. Another message from this episode is that you could try to be whatever you want to just as Emily did. I also think it was really good that Emily made her decision and said that she wouldn't play basketball anymore cause she was a coastal cadet. I also think it was really good that every player could make it to the panpacs cause then they could continues to improve that they perhaps are the best team in The Pacific Ocean.

onsdag 19 mars 2014

SO katolska kyrkan

Den katolska kyrkan.
Den katolska kyrkan är den allra största kyrkan och grundades de första 100 åren efter Kristus och har 1,2 miljarder anhängare.  Den katolska kyrkan organiseras på så vis att man har 186 kardinaler och över 5000 biskopar och de är ledda av påven i Rom.  Den katolska kyrkan är ledda av påven just för att Petrus som var Jesu lärljunge dog i Rom och han skapade många församlingar och fick av Jesus nycklarna till himmelriket och var Klippan och påven skall vara som Jesu efterträdare och han har väldigt mycket makt. 
Över hela världen finns det mest katoliker i Latinamerika, en del i Europa, en del också i Nordamerika, och i Afrika och i Asien finns det väldigt lite katoliker.

Här är en bild av den nuvarande påven Franciskus I från Argentina han blev påve när man med vit rök kunde visa att en ny påve hade valts och det kommer upp en svart rök när man är oense om vilken påve man skall ha.

Här är en bild på Petruskyrkan i Vatikanstaten i Rom där påven sitter på den heliga stolen det är lite som en helig plats för alla katoliker.


Det finns också något som heter schweizergardet och det är vakter som finns utanför Sankt Petruskyrkan i Vatikanstaten i Rom och det är soldater som är tränade mot terroristangrepp och det är alltså meningen att de skall skydda påven pågrund av påvens makt. Man måste ha ingått i den schweiziska armén för att tillhöra schweizergardet. 

Här är en bild på scweizergardet utanför Sankt Petrus kyrkan i Vatikanstaten i Rom under en väldigt solig dag i Rom.

De såg på Jesus på den som dog på korset och befriade alla människor från synden och som den som Gud hade sänt sin egne son och att Gud är treenig i form av Fadern, sonen, och den helige anden och att Gud blev Jesus med hjälp av den helige anden som då på så sätt anses vara grundaren för den katolska kyrkan i och med att Jesus blev Jesus med hjälp av den helige anden. Katolikerna tror också att Bibeln är Guds egna ord och att man skall lyssna på vad Bibeln har att säga och på vad påven har att säga som efterträdare efter Petrus för att Petrus fick nycklarna till himmelriket och Jesus sade att Petrus var en klippa och när ven eftertäddit Jesus betyder det att påven har oerhört mycket med makt när det gäller olika saker och ting. Det här med treenighet handlar om att 40 dagar efter Jesus död satt Jesus på Gud faderns högra sida och att alla som tror på Jesus skall få ett evigt liv. De anser även att Gud är den som man skall lyda och göra goda gärningar precis som alla andra kristna. Och att man också ser på Maria som Jesu moder som har avlat Jesus och fött Guds son med hjälp av andens kraft födde Guds son med kärlek och fått detta enorma uppdrag och ansvar att föda Guds son Jesus. Och har på så sätt en väldigt stor vördnad för Maria och hon lyfts fram väldigt mycket i den katolska kyrkan mycket mer om man jämför med den protestantiska kyrkan. Och man ser Maria som den som först himmelska målet och det är anledningen till att hon vördas så mycket som en slags förebild för hur man skall leva sitt liv. Och Jesus med sina lärljungar anses vara grundarna för den katolska kyrkan också.

Här är en bild av några präster och församlingen som knäböjer och visar stor vördnad och respekt för Maria som är en staty och man brukar också pussa Maria inom den katolska kyrkan.

I den katolska kyrkan har de sju stycken sakrament som är heliga handlingar som en katolik förväntas genomföra under sin livstid och dessa är dopet, konfirmationen, celibatet, prästvigningen, bikten, äktenskapet och den sista smörjelsen. Dopet innebär att man som liten unge är välkommen till kyrkans samfund, konfirmationen är att man lär sig om den kristna tron och kan bestämma om man vill ha denna trosinriktningar eller inte, celibatet är att om man blivit präst och blivit på så sätt blivit prästvigd skall leva i ensamhet och bara inrikta sig på Gud och församlingen och inte lägga alltför stor tid på kärleken till sin närmaste, bikten innebär att man ber om förlåtelse för sina synder och på så sätt bli renad och inte känna att man gjort en massa dumheter. Äktenskapet innebär att man som katolik skall gifta sig om man inte blir präst. Homosexualitet inom den katolska kyrkan är något fel och orätt sa Paulus. Den katolska kyrkan tycker även att abort är något orätt för man anser att när ägget i kvinnans livmoder befruktats så har man skapat ett liv och om man skulle göra abort så skulle man förstöra ett liv. 

Här kommer en bild av den förre påven (Benedictus XVI) som levde i celibatet och bara koncentrera sig på församlingen och lägga ner sin energi på Gud och inte på

Här är en bild från Lummelunda kyrka på Gottland och hur de avbildat skärselden.
De anser att man kommer till skärselden efter döden och att själen blir renad från alla sina synder, att man blir frälst och att ens själ sedan kommer att åka till paradiset om man fått evigt liv och det får varje människa som blir katolik och börjar tro på Jesus.

Den katolska kyrkan har 17 544 grundskolor, 92 847 grundskolor och 43 591 gymnasieskolor, 5305 sjukhus, 18 179 kliniker, och 17 223 ålderdomshem och handikappsboenden och 9882 barnhem för alla barn utan föräldrar så den katolska kyrkan har väldigt stora organisationer och har på så sätt en väldigt positiv inverkan på samhället och över 50 procent av alla kristna är katoliker hela världen över. 

Högtiderna som firas inom den katolska kyrkan är jul för att Jesus föddes i Betlehem i ett stall i en krubba vid december månad den 25 december om att en konung hade fötts. Och på påsken när Jesus dör på korset och uppstår och när Jesus befriar alla människorna från deras synder och visar att han är Guds son som är sänd för att ge alla människor ett evigt liv så länge de tror på Jesus. Marias upptagning till himlen den 15 augusti, Marias renande den 8 december, Marias födelsedag den 8 september, festen för Jesu dop, Kristi himmelfärdsdag dag 40 dagar efter påskdagen när Jesus uppstod från det döda, herrens uppenbarelse.

Här är en bild av Jesu uppståndelse efter hans död vilket nu förkunnar att alla människor fått sina synder förlåtna och att alla som tror på Jesus skall få ett evigt liv i himmelen och det är den viktigaste högtiden som firas.

Det är inom den katolska kyrkan ingen jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män. För när Gud skapat den första mannen Adam drog sig Gud till Adam och bad honom att underhålla Guds skapelse och att skydda Edens lust gård. Och mannen fick också veta vad man fick göra och vad man inte fick göra. Mannen har därmed det stora uppdraget att upprätthålla Guds budskap och se till att det lever vidare. Och det är liknande i en familj mannen skall beskydda sin familj och upprätthålla sitt upphälle genom att jobba. Samma sak i kyrkan påven, biskoparna, och prästerna har ansvaret att man firar mässor så som Gud vill och att de här uppenbara sanningarna skall bibehållas från generation till generation. Och mannen hade dessutom namngivit allting och organiserat allting på sitt naturliga vis. Mannen har på så vis ett ansvar att planera, utföra, och organisera arbeten av naturen från Gud.

Här är en bild av barnen och kvinnan som roar sig och mannen som arbetar i hemmet för att upprätthålla sin familjs uppehälle alltså genom att försörja sin familj. 

New Zealand, native people

About 120,000 maoris lived in New Zealand when James Cook came to New Zealand. Almost all of the maoris lived on the northern Island. They called their country the land of the long white cloud Aotearoa in Māori. They chased different kinds of fish, dolphins, and seal cause there was no mammals on the both Islands. With gorgeous jewellery from carved bones and precious stones they could decorate their shelters and canoes. When they cut through their own skin with a sharp straight knife then they made tattoos on themselves and they made these tattoos on their faces and Bodies. All these scars that the knife made was a little bit similar to carving. The native people were Warriors and they used wooden blades as swords and short clubs. Maorian tribes fought fiercely with each other and with british strangers.

More and more europeans began to come to New Zealand after Cook's expedition. The really first europeans to come to New Zealand was whale and seal chasers, and some missionaries who wanted the maoris to concert to Christianity but the british would have some resistance from the maoris who resisted fiercely. For the first time in history New Zealand became a british colony in 1840 when the agreement The treaty of Waitanghi was signed which said that the british Queen Victoria now is the Queen of New Zealand to but it also said that the maoris owned their own lands and with this treaty the british hopen they might could bring some peace to the maoris. But some british settlers didn't respect the treaty of Waitanghi and that took land areas from the maoris and they muredered the maoris. But the maoris would fight back and also kill many british. But at last in 1881 the british won the war and the maoris were defeated and the maoris also lost their human rights. 

Today the maoris should have the same human rights as everyone else in the society when the Government passed a law passed oppositioned to discrimination. But many maoris do still today don't have jobs and there's a higher unemployment among the maoris then among the british and the white people. But their language and cultures is still alive in New Zealand cause of the maoris big determination to keep traditions alive. Three years after the the law against discrimination was signed in 1974 the first school who taught pupils both English and Maori and today there's hundreds of Māori pre- schools. And 13 years after the school was opened in 1987 then maori was also an official language just as English and there were radio and television shows in Māori and some programmes in Māori. 

If you compare the native people in New Zealand to the native people in Sweden then you've got some similarities. The wikings who lived in houses made of mud and they also used swords, short clubs and so on. But the wikings didn't believe in the same gods as the Maoris did, and one more big similarity between the maoris and the wikings is that the wikings sailed all over the world and they were nomads as the maoris but the maoris did also discover some New lands where they could settle on New Zealand. One more similarity between the maoris and the wikings is that the wikings also made some jewelleries but maybe not exactly the same as the maoris. One difference between the maoris and the wikings is that the maoris ate different kind of food in comparison to the wikings, the maoris ate dolphins, seals, and mammals but the wikings didn't ate that kind of food. And the reason to why the wikings didn't ate these animals is that the climate wasn't warm enough for dolphins or seals. And one difference is that the Māori tradition is still alive in New Zealand today than the traditions the wikings had that tradition is not existing anymore. One more difference is that Māori is also an official language in New Zealand but the language the wikings used is not an official language in Sweden without swedish is an official language in Sweden. And if you compare this with other countries like Australia were the Aborigines were the native people they also were nomads and moved around to search for food, they used the same kinds of "weapons" as the maoris do today but one big difference is that they propably had different traditions. But the aborigines did also tattoo themselves as the maoris and one big similarity between the aborigines, the indians and the maoris is that they were after that the british won all these wars then all the native people was treated very badly by the british. And some similarities between the indians and the maoris is that the indians also used the same kind of "weapons" as the maoris did. They did also have a special language as the maoris did but the indian language is not official in North or Southamerica as the maori language is today. The indians lived in tents but the aborigines lived in shelters and that's one big difference. The maoris did also live in shelters. And one last similar thing is that the aborigines, the maoris, and the indians are still trying to make their traditions and cultures alive in the society we've got today.

I think it quiet exciting to see which traditions the maoris are using Carved bones, and precious Stones to make jewelleries to put on their canoes and houses. I also think it's very facinating to see why they called New Zealand Aotearoa the white long cloud . I also think it's a little bit weird that the maoris ate mammals, seals, and dolphins but they propably liked it and I never mind to eat it's just that i haven't ate it before. But I think it was quiet stupid from the maoris to cut through their skin which must hurt very much so I would never try to make tattoos on myself. I think it would be fun to just try to have some kind of oldfashioned weapons and I like that you use what you've got from the nature as the maoris did, they propably do care about the nature very much. It was really good that the New Zealand Government realised that the maoris would be treated fairly, and as a really good compensation which meant that every kind of discrimination is against a law which the New Zealand Government passed in 1971. But I don't like that the unemployment is much higher among the maoris than among the british and it just shows that even if it's written that something should be in one way. Then it doesn't mean it's like that in the reality. But one think I is really stunning and that is that the maoris still are extremly determined to keep their traditions and cultures alive in the multicultural society they've got in New Zealand. And as an award for that in 1974 there came schools were the teachers taught in Māori and in English. And the best of all was that the Maori became an official language in 1987 so those pupils who can't speak English could talk Māori with other people instead.

onsdag 12 mars 2014

History of New Zealand

In AD 800 the maoris came to New Zealand in Cannes from islands in the Pacific Ocean. And they were the first people in New Zealand. They came to the nothern Island of New Zealand and not on the southern. 

In 1769 James Cook and his men came aboard the ship Endeavour and they were the really first europeans who came to New Zealand and James Cook came to New Zealand because he was an explorer who wanted to look after if there was any countries down under in the Pacific Ocean. They maked maps while sailing alone the coast for a half year. 

During 70 years the only europeans who came to New Zealand were whale and seal hunters, and some missionärers. The missionsarbete wanted the maoris to concert to christianity like the missionaries wanted to make the maoris change religion.

It became a british colony in 1840 but the maoris would own their own lands but it also said that their Queen Victoria now would be their Queen also and rule New Zealand. And this was a treaty that was signed and it was called The treaty of Waitanghi.

But a lot of british settlers didn't respect the treaty and they conquerred lands from the maoris and they killed the maoris also. 20 years after the treaty was signed year 1860 all the maoris on the northern Island rebeller towards what the british people did that the they didn't follow and respect the treaty they've signed. And from now on and 20 years it was a horrible war between the maoris and the british and the maoris fought violent against the british. But in 1881 the maoris were forced to surrender as the british won the war. And after the war the british took all the best lands from the maoris as a punishment. 

In 1861 some chinese groups came to New Zealand and gold was found in Otago and that made many gold diggers came to New Zealand because they might thought they could find joy in life by finding some gold and become rich. But all the gold mines got close and then many diggers moved to other parts of New Zealand cause they couldn't find gold in Otago anymore. And many scandinavians and german came to New Zealand to build railways and roades so that build up New Zealand and then Greeks, Italians and Lebanese came after the scandinavians and german.

After 91years as a british colony, New Zealand became independent and a selfruling country in 1931. Many immigrants and refugees came from far and wide in the last half of the 20th century cause they found their home perhaps cause there was a big war in the europe, the second world war 1939-1945. And today New Zealand has got a multicultural society, although the most of the population is british, maori, and Pacific islanders.

I think it was kind of bad that the british didn't respect The treaty of Waitanghi and but that is was kind of smart from the british to first make their Queen Victoria the maoris Queen but still let them keep their lands. And after that just conquer lands from the maoris and the british knew that the maoris would rebel but that they would win the war cause they had bigger weapons and better weapons than the maoris. But it was also unnecessary from the british to punish the maoris even more when they've already won the war and that was really mean towards the maoris but the maoris were still courageous who stood up for them selves even if the british later on won the war. But I also think it's really good for New Zealand that groups from other countries came to New Zealand which made New Zealand a multicultural and some people perhaps even escaped the second world war and that was really good for them and that some people perhaps could being some religion, cultures, foods to New Zealand. It was also very bad for the whales and the seals to be hunted by hunters to extinct these animals is very bad for the environment and it's kind of sad that people thinks of other stuff before the environment like these hunters. And I think the maoris deserves to get some kind compensation for how the british treated the maoris now when they've got their own government but they've got the same Queen as The Great Britain has got but the Queen hasn't got as much power as the kings and queens ha before.

If you compare this country to Sweden then it's a similarity because we had a native people here before like the wikings, the nomads (and they were a little bit like small tribes like the maoris). The Wikings, and the nomads lived in other conditions than we do today like moving around to find food to survive but we stay in one place to live on our own place, the wikings plunderered and they produced their food in a different way to what we do today and we don't plunder in other countries today but we do change cargos with other countries. And the wikings had special traditions, and they believed in different gods than we do today and it's the same with New Zealand the maoris has got special traditions and a religion and the british took over but in Sweden no one has taken over Sweden without the peoples here has changed lifestyle and that's has happened a little bit in New Zealand. But in Sweden in the 20th century there came many immigrants/ refugees from other countries and that made Sweden a multicultural society (as New Zealand) as Sweden is today, in America the indians lived there and they lived in tribes and they lived in tents or shelters as the maoris propably do. And then the british people took over America and made it The Great Britain's colony exactly the same happened to New Zealand and there was two wars one in America, and one in New Zealand and The Great Britain won both wars and America also then became a british colony. It's the same in Australia the aborigines lived in Australia they were the native people and lived in tribes and they had old traditions, they lived in tribes but the british came and took over Australia.

söndag 9 mars 2014

Maorierna, Nya Zealand.

Ursprungsbefolkningen på Nya Zealand kallas för maorierna. De reste i stora kanoter från öar i Stilla havet för tusen år sedan, efter långa och farliga resor över det öppna havet.

Maorierna och James Cook

När James Cook kom med sitt skep år 1769 fanns det ungefär 120 000 Maorier där. De flesta av dem levde på den norra ön. De kallade sitt sitt land för Aotearoa, vilket betyder landet av den långa vita molnet. Det fanns inga däggdjur att äta på öarna så maorierna åt olika slags fisk, delfiner och sälar. De dekorerade sina hus med vackra juveler av utskurna ben och värdefulla stenar. Maorierna tatuerade också sig själva genom att använda en vass kniv för att skära sitt skin på sina ansikten och kroppar. De gjorde ärr som såg ut som träsnideri. Maorierna var krigare. De använde korta klubbor och långa svärd med träblad. Det fanns många stammar som slogs med varandra och med vita främlingar.

Maorierna och britterna.
Efter Cooks expedition började européer komma till Nya Zealand. De först att komma var val och säl jagare och missionärer som tog med sig kristendom till Maorierna. Maorierna gjorde motstånd våldsamt. När Nya Zealand blev en brittisk koloni år 1840 gjorde de nya härskarna en överenskommelse som sa att maorierna ägde sina egna landområden. Men bosättarna respekterade inte avtalet. De tog maoriernas land och dödade folket. Maorierna slogs tillbaka och vita människor dog. Till slut år 1881 var maorierna besegrade. Britterna tog kontroll över situationen och maorierna förlorade sina landområden och sina rättigheter.

Maorierna idag.
År 1971 antog den Nya Zealändska regering en lag mot diskriminering av maorierna och ge dem samma rättigheter som för alla andra. Men det är fortfarande komplicerat för dem att få jobb, och det är mycket högre arbetslöshet bland maorierna än bland vit folk. Maorierna är beslutna till att hålla deras språk och kultur vid liv. År 1974 öppnades den första skolan där elever lärde sig både engelska och maoriska. Det finns nu hundratals maoriska förskolor. År 1987 blev maoriska ett officiellt språk, och det finns program på maoriska på radion och på television.

torsdag 6 mars 2014

Muntlig redovisning

Titel: Det övergivna landet. Författare:John Flanagan. Will åkte med sina vänner i uppdrag till Cetica med sina vänner Horace och Gilan. Men när de kommer fram så är gränsstationer och städer helt övergivna vad har hänt? Men de träffar en flicka som påstår sig ha flytt undan wargalerna när de attackerat Celtica men sedan hittar de en bro som kelterna bygger åt wargalerna men vad skall denna bro användas till? Problemet är att Will, och Evanlyn (flickan) blir tillfångatagen av skandierna i boken och vad skall hända med dem härnäst.

Platserna och länderna nattregnebergen, klyftan, sankmarkerna, törnskogen, den västra skogen, ensliga slätten, klyftan, Araluen, Celtica, Morgaraths platå är alla påhittade länder och platser. Yrkena riddare, och spejare är gamla yrken vilket tyder på att boken utspelar sig i imperfekt och från medeltiden förmodligen eftersom att dessa yrken var väldigt vanliga då på den tiden.

Det fanns inga portar i min bok.

Varelserna som finns i min bok är wargaler, och kelter. Wargalerna är de onda som helblint följer sin ledare Morgarath och då är väldigt blodtörstiga, och oerhört våldsamma men de har ett väldigt bra lukt och kan väldigt enkelt spåra upp sina fiender och döda dem, sedan har du kelterna som inte krigar men de är väldigt duktiga gruvarbetare och på så sätt att gräva väldigt mycket, det betyder att de arbetar väldigt mycket men är inte så starka, sedan har du skandierna som är neutrala men i detta fall hjälper wargalerna för att de får betalt lite som korruption. Huvudpersonerna är Will, Horace, Gilan, Halt. Will är en liten spejare som är liten, rapp, och snabbtänkt, och han kan färga in sig i olika miljöer på ett bra sätt, Horace är en riddare som kan kriga och försvara sig på ett väldigt bra sätt, modig, men också lite klumpig, Gilan, erfaren, bra lärare, djärv, och Halt är erfaren, bra på att färga in sig i olika miljöer och väldigt eftertänksam.

Världen där min bok utspelar sig i är länderna Araluen, Celtica, Morgaraths platå, Klyftan, Nattregnebergen, Törnskogen och sankmarkerna. Araluen är landet där de goda bor och det har en ganska slät mark med några kullar och frodiga ängar och den ensliga slätten är ett ställe där är det väldigt lugnt och stillsamt och väldigt vindstilla vilket betyder att man väldigt enkelt kan gömma sig där , där det finns även en del skog som törnskogen som är ganska djup, snårig, och törnig och kan på så sätt vara lite svår att komma igenom men annars därav namnet törnskogen och den ligger ganska så centralt i Araluen om man tänker sig en karta på Araluen, den västra skogen finns också och det är egentligen en helt vanlig skog med namnet på grund av att den ligger i västra Araluen sedan sedan finns landet Celtica i sydväst och det är inte ett så jättelitet land och där finns också den keltiska halvön i sydväst i Celtica och den i Celtica finns ganska många gruvor där kelterna letar efter guld och mineraler, sedan så är Morgaraths platå en platå med en hel del berg och det är ganska höga berg och det är väldigt kallt där uppe och där kryllar det av wargaler och så finns nattregnebergen i samma område där de onda bor och det regnar där säkert på natten på grund av namn och så finns klyftan mellan Celtica och Morgaraths platå som ett oerhört stort stup.

Jag tycker att boken var väldigt bra för att den var spännande att läsas och med att man aldrig visste vad som skulle hända i och med att så många spännande saker skeri boken, boken innehöll en del mod och det gör att denna bok blir väldigt äventyrslysten, den innehöll också en del romantik mellan Evanlyn och Gilan i boken, boken innehöll också uppoffring vilket är jag tycker är oerhört fint att vilja uppoffra något för sitt land och för sitt folk, den handlar lite gran om mystik och det tycker jag är väldigt bra för då undrar man vad som sedan skall hända, den handlar också om eftertänktsamhet och smarthet och det gillar jag för att man kan lära sig vad som kan hända om man inte tänker efter och om man är smart så kan man sätta käpparna i hjulet vilket gör att boken blir alltmer äventyrslysten och att vänskap ställs på prov är nog det mesta som gör denna bok spännande för att då kan man se hur vänner kan klara sig utan varandra men samtidigt kunna ha tillförlit till varandra och samarbeta tillsammans.

onsdag 5 mars 2014

Holly's heroes episode 13.

Part 13) It's now time for the Grand Final, The Rams against The Outlaws. Joel Trish, Ralph and Holly are sitting with Mitch Mios the reporter from the show Woo who will follow the final and now he's talking to Trish, Joel, Ralph and Holly Joel and Trish said that they are much better than the Outlaws they are favourites to win the grand showdown in the game tomorrow and that The Rams are the best on the letter and that it was just lucky that The Outlaws reached the final but Holky says that that she believe that they can win and not just making a contest of the game. And Mios had successfully made a big conversation about this and he really had turned up the heat Trish said that they will play hard and that The Outlaws will lose and Holly said that they will take whatever The Rams throwing at them. Joel said that Nick Fraser was a former team mate and that it's fine to meet him again. And when Mios talked to Ralph about that he before played in The Outlaws then Trish said that Ralph was on the bench and then he just chokes because Ralph couldn't talk in the radio he was nervous of some kind of reason. 

Afterwards Ralph trained shooting and he missed some couple of shots, then Johnno came, Ralph told him that he's heard some  inside his head and that Ralph thought he might choke on the game as he did in the radio. Johnno said that 90 perent is played above the shoulders but Ralph said that he's hearingen voices inside his head and that his opponents is just waiting for him to do something wrong. Johnno just said "Ralphie" just had to forget it and that every shot that Ralph misses is improving his shooting but Ralph missed and said that he had to be really good then.

Meanwhile Joel was training before the game with his father, and look at his father left foot and then drive the opposition direction and try to be very aggressive and that was exactly what Joel was and he scored a goal but the first time Joel failed with the attack. And Mr.Peterson just wanted Joel to make Nick lose his temper so that Nick would get fauled of. And the next time Mr.Peterson was happy with that Joel was so aggressive towards him.

And later on The Outlaws played together with each other and Max collected the team, he just wanted his team to make some easy dribbler and be have full concentration on what they are doing but everyone woundered where Ralphie was and Johnno said he was gone but that was nothing to concern about. And so they did what Max told them to do and they didn't talk just as Max told to not do at all and they had a little bit fun together and Trish and Scubi spied on what they did and they thought it was pathetic but afterwards Max wanted them to make a shoot blindfolded and everyone successfully scored and now Trish and Scubi were a little bit worried and they thought it was really weird.

 And Holly and Johnno went to Ralph's home and to Ralph's bedroom and Johnno and Holly tried to cheer Ralph up Ralph by saying to him to come up from his bed or he can't make his dreams come true and Ralph said that he can't up from his bed and Johnno said that Ralph should repeat calm and confident I play well, and Ralph answered repeat after me I'm leaving now but then Johnno answered that with that if you doubt your posers then you'll give power to your doubts, but Holly just wanted Ralph to come cause they aren't The Outlaws without Ralphie and Ralph would come to the team dinner but not now because wore his hundies.

While The Rams trained then Scubi wanted to score a basket blindfolded but Trish just thought it was a waste of time and Scubi missed and the basketball hit Mr.Peterson afterwards and then Mr. Peterson woundered why Scubi did do that and Scubi said that the The Outlaws were doing that but Mr. Peterson wanted Scubi and Trish to follow his gameplan and then they had to run very much if they wanted to beat The Outlaws.

Well on the team dinner Johnno said that they should try to tacle Ralphie's problems right on but Holly didn't think that was a good idea. At the dinner table everyone was except Ralph who was a little bit sad and Holly's parents were happy that they've made so nice food and the children lived the food because it seemed to be very tasty and Holly just wanted to say one thing but got interuppted three times and then she just gave some cute necklasses for luck to her friends and she especially wanted Ralph to take his necklass on his throat. And so Ralph did.

And later on everyone went to the court, Holly, Jacinta, Nick, and Emily acted like Ralph's opponents and Franco and Johnno just tried to cheer Ralph up and the opponents tried to psych out Ralph by saying Airball, miss, miss, and choker and as Emily said you're never going to make it Owen , Johnno remembered him by saying to him that 90 perent in basketball is played above the shoulders but Ralph missed and he thanked for trying to help him. 

The following day The Rams exercised by rundning a little bit so that they would be fit before the game and they ran beside the boatsheed and when Franco scored a goal then Joel threw away the ball and said they were idiots. And Joel and his father Alan (Mr.Peterson) ran a little bit extra long to try to a little bit more fit than he already is.

During training Ralph asked Max if he could help Ralph that his head is full of voices and that he hopen Max could help him to not have a head full of voices cause then he would be totalt psyched out during the game by his opponents  and Max just said that to think to much can very dangerous and that Max has learned that you shouldn't think to much without play, and then Nick came to Max and woundered if he could guard Joel even if he hasn't come around on the past and Max just said that Nick can guard Joel.

And then suddenly something happened to Max everyone played and everyone was happy but Max got a heart break and he fell down to the ground and then Jacinta saw what happened and she yelled on everyone to come to Max and try to save him, Franco called an ambulance and Nick gave him first-aid kit which meant that Max survived. Jacinta, Mr. Peterson and Joel came to the hospital and the nurse told Mr. Peterson and Joel that Nick gave Max CPR which saved Max's life, and they went into the room were Max law and they said that they would like to cancel the final because of this but Max was oppositional and he said that the final will be played anyway.

Well on the court the teams warmed up and everyone was ready for the final and Ralph got earplugs so that he wouldn't hear when his opponents tried to psych him out. And then the final began. The Rams began the final in the best possible way with scoring a little bit more goals then The Rams but The Outlaws were still scoring some goals, after the first half it stood 22-17 and The Outlaws weren't far behind but in the second half they found the masterclass and the equivailed the game and in an attack Ralph came around Joel and Joel roughed him down, and then it was a penalty throw for Ralph at the yardstripe and now he was much more confident and calm then before so even if his opponents tried to psych him out then he just ignored them and he scored the goal and after that The Outlaws just scored and scored, and scored and Trish and Joel started to get really frustrated cause they were losing the game and then Nick was close to The Rams goal and Joel made his fifth fault and was out of the game and Mr.Peterson was really frustrated cause they took Joel. And after that The Outlaws slaughtered The Rams totally and they were the New Champions of Woolich and everyone was so happy with terrific performance from The Outlaws!!!!

Well back in the hospital there they told Max that they've won the championschips and that they are the New Champions of Woolich. And everyone talked to Max to tell him what they felt.

The message and my thoughts from this episode was that it was bad that Ralph had so bad selfconfidence and that he from the beginning didn't want to play the game with his friends and that Ralph has to try to close out that his opponents is always trying to tease him but at the same time, Trish, and Scubi has been so mean to Ralph very much and now he's feed up so that he want to avoid all the teasing that Trish and Scubi is doing towards Ralph. But at the same time Ralph also has to try to ignore everyone who's trying to be annoying but you have to move on and it was very nice that Johnno tried to help Ralph and that is what friends are there for they are there for you and you're there for them and that was very kind from Johnno but I think he put a little bit pressure on Ralph by Johnno that Ralph should join the game and Ralph perhaps thought Johnno and Holly was a little bit annoying but at the same time Ralph was very oppositional to this and it was nice that Holly gave her friends necklasses for luck which means that Holly cares about her friends and it was good that he especially wanted Ralph to take his necklass on with the thought about that Ralph felt do bad. One thing that I thought was bad was that Allan wanted his son to be very agressive and make Nick lose his temper when they are going to play the game tomorrow and that's very chicky because then you want to win by trying to faul of your opponents off the court and then you're not trying to play good to win but it's meant to be in that way that you shall play with each other and for each other to win. One thing you can learn is that if you want to make some kind of special. Shoot then you have to train, to be concentrated and to have full focus. And that was what Scubi didn't have when she tried to score blindfolded as the Outlaws did but she failed cause she hadn't train to shoot blindfolded and it was a little bit embarrasing for Scubi when she failed to score and I also think Scubi and Trish were a little bit frightened when they wanted to look after what The Outlaws did but they thought they would win when they saw the training The Outlaws did but Max thinked very much and he was a good coach for The Outlaws who let them dribble a little bit on their own but at the same time say towards all the players in The Outlaws to be extremly concentrated and focused and that was a good mix and Trish and Scubi underestimated the Outlaws training and that would punish The Rams the next day on the game day. And one thing you can learn from this episode also is that everyone could at least try to have such a warm hearted soul as Nick had when he saved Max's life by giving him CPR cause Max would have died if it wasn't for Nick. The following day which was the game-day and the grand final between The Rams and The Outlaws. It was really kind of Allan (Mr. Peterson), Joel and Jacinta to be ready to cancel the final cause of that Max is laying on a bed in the hospital. But it was brave from Max to say that the final would be played anyway even if he's not watching his own team but it was very warm hearted from Max because he knew everyone in Woolich has wauted for this big showdown but then it was very kind from Jacinta to say that they will play for Max even if he's not watching. Well on the court it was a bad opening of the final from The Outlaws with The Rams in front of The Outlaws with some points in advantage for The Rams but The Outlaws find a way to play The Rams out of their rhytmh which The Outlaws successfully could do and then The Outlaws just played fantastic and they just slaughtered The Rams and it was fair that Joel was failed of during the game in a rough tackle on Nick cause I remember from episode 7 when The Outlaws lost to The Rams then Joel could successfully make Nick lose his temper and make him fauled of but that time he shouldn't be fauled of cause Joel teased him very much. During the game Ralph got a penalty from the yardstripe after that Joel had roughed Ralph down and right then Ralph came over his mental problem with that his opponents always are trying to psych him out, cause he just thought about what Johnno told him before ignore them and that was Ralph did even if he heard Joel say Airball, and Scubi say choker, choker he didn't care about and he scored and I think that was very calming for Ralph to know that he can play good basketball but I'm motstöt happy that The Outlaws won cause they taught The Rams to be so cocky.


tisdag 4 mars 2014

Referat om en fanfiction.

Titel: Att förstöra banketten.
Författare: xCHARLIExPEACHx.
Fanfiction av Harry Potter böckerna och filmerna.

En gammal sed på Hogwarts är att hålla en bankett vid Halloween. Whammys hus för naturbegåvade barn blev till slut platsen där banketten skulle arrangeras. Allting var förberett, och klart. Sedan så fanns det två pojkar Draco Malfoy och Beyond och de ville roasig med att sätta käpparna i hjulet för festmåltiden. Beyond funderade på om de inte skulle dra till den förbjudna skogen och de stack iväg. Det som försiggick under den natten såg bara ugglorna och det var att Draco och Malfoy visade sig från sin allra vildaste sida och när efterföljarna försvunnit kunde Draco och Beyond vara lyckliga över att ha förstört festmåltiden.

Källanvisningar: Appen Fanfiction av Penta Loop, Fanfiction Harry Potter, Berättelsen heter Blowing up the banquet, Förestörelsen av banketten.