onsdag 12 mars 2014

History of New Zealand

In AD 800 the maoris came to New Zealand in Cannes from islands in the Pacific Ocean. And they were the first people in New Zealand. They came to the nothern Island of New Zealand and not on the southern. 

In 1769 James Cook and his men came aboard the ship Endeavour and they were the really first europeans who came to New Zealand and James Cook came to New Zealand because he was an explorer who wanted to look after if there was any countries down under in the Pacific Ocean. They maked maps while sailing alone the coast for a half year. 

During 70 years the only europeans who came to New Zealand were whale and seal hunters, and some missionärers. The missionsarbete wanted the maoris to concert to christianity like the missionaries wanted to make the maoris change religion.

It became a british colony in 1840 but the maoris would own their own lands but it also said that their Queen Victoria now would be their Queen also and rule New Zealand. And this was a treaty that was signed and it was called The treaty of Waitanghi.

But a lot of british settlers didn't respect the treaty and they conquerred lands from the maoris and they killed the maoris also. 20 years after the treaty was signed year 1860 all the maoris on the northern Island rebeller towards what the british people did that the they didn't follow and respect the treaty they've signed. And from now on and 20 years it was a horrible war between the maoris and the british and the maoris fought violent against the british. But in 1881 the maoris were forced to surrender as the british won the war. And after the war the british took all the best lands from the maoris as a punishment. 

In 1861 some chinese groups came to New Zealand and gold was found in Otago and that made many gold diggers came to New Zealand because they might thought they could find joy in life by finding some gold and become rich. But all the gold mines got close and then many diggers moved to other parts of New Zealand cause they couldn't find gold in Otago anymore. And many scandinavians and german came to New Zealand to build railways and roades so that build up New Zealand and then Greeks, Italians and Lebanese came after the scandinavians and german.

After 91years as a british colony, New Zealand became independent and a selfruling country in 1931. Many immigrants and refugees came from far and wide in the last half of the 20th century cause they found their home perhaps cause there was a big war in the europe, the second world war 1939-1945. And today New Zealand has got a multicultural society, although the most of the population is british, maori, and Pacific islanders.

I think it was kind of bad that the british didn't respect The treaty of Waitanghi and but that is was kind of smart from the british to first make their Queen Victoria the maoris Queen but still let them keep their lands. And after that just conquer lands from the maoris and the british knew that the maoris would rebel but that they would win the war cause they had bigger weapons and better weapons than the maoris. But it was also unnecessary from the british to punish the maoris even more when they've already won the war and that was really mean towards the maoris but the maoris were still courageous who stood up for them selves even if the british later on won the war. But I also think it's really good for New Zealand that groups from other countries came to New Zealand which made New Zealand a multicultural and some people perhaps even escaped the second world war and that was really good for them and that some people perhaps could being some religion, cultures, foods to New Zealand. It was also very bad for the whales and the seals to be hunted by hunters to extinct these animals is very bad for the environment and it's kind of sad that people thinks of other stuff before the environment like these hunters. And I think the maoris deserves to get some kind compensation for how the british treated the maoris now when they've got their own government but they've got the same Queen as The Great Britain has got but the Queen hasn't got as much power as the kings and queens ha before.

If you compare this country to Sweden then it's a similarity because we had a native people here before like the wikings, the nomads (and they were a little bit like small tribes like the maoris). The Wikings, and the nomads lived in other conditions than we do today like moving around to find food to survive but we stay in one place to live on our own place, the wikings plunderered and they produced their food in a different way to what we do today and we don't plunder in other countries today but we do change cargos with other countries. And the wikings had special traditions, and they believed in different gods than we do today and it's the same with New Zealand the maoris has got special traditions and a religion and the british took over but in Sweden no one has taken over Sweden without the peoples here has changed lifestyle and that's has happened a little bit in New Zealand. But in Sweden in the 20th century there came many immigrants/ refugees from other countries and that made Sweden a multicultural society (as New Zealand) as Sweden is today, in America the indians lived there and they lived in tribes and they lived in tents or shelters as the maoris propably do. And then the british people took over America and made it The Great Britain's colony exactly the same happened to New Zealand and there was two wars one in America, and one in New Zealand and The Great Britain won both wars and America also then became a british colony. It's the same in Australia the aborigines lived in Australia they were the native people and lived in tribes and they had old traditions, they lived in tribes but the british came and took over Australia.

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