fredag 14 februari 2014

Holly's heroes episode 11.

Part 11) Showtime. Nick is going to the school when he meets Holly and Holly said that Nick should be with in the contemporary art competition because Nick is a really good painter and Nick says that he will think about it and that Holly has heard that Nicks teacher misses Rochachelli has recommended for Nick to anticipate in the art competition, and Holly think that this competition could be a great opportunists for Nick if he would like to be an artist.

Johnno is sitting on a bench with his little sister Emily and they are on Emily's balletclass Emily is saying to Johnno that they are going to practice 2 hours before the concert they are going to have soon for many nannies. And soon they are beginning to start practice, the ballet girls are doing some ballet exercises like benådning their knees I think it's called plié. And then Johnno looks at a boy ballet star and Johnno asks Em (Emily) what his name is and Emily says that his name is Hamish Moore and that Hamish is the teacher's pet and that Hamsih tries out for the national ballet school. And Johnno asks this question just cause Johnno could see that Hamish could jump really well and then Johnno thinks that Hamish could be a basketball player all Hamish has to learn is the basics in basketball. And then Johnno is disturbing them when Johnno says slamdunk and then the ballet teacher sends him out of the practice area. And then the ballet class are continuing practicing with the ballet underwater exercises as they are going to perform with on the show.

Ms. Rochachelli gives the list of candidates in the contemporary art competition to Mr. Peterson, Mr Peterson then looks through the list and he says that it was really good, but when Mr. Peterson is on his way Misses Rochachelli said that Mr.Peterson forgot to mention Nick and then Mr.Peterson said that Nick wouldn't anticipate in the contemporary art competition because he burnt down the community hall. - But that was 2 years ago said Ms.Rochachelli but Mr.Peterson wanted then to set a good example and not a bad one and that Nick isn't representant the school in a good way but Ms. Rochachelli says that Nick is a dynamic visual communicator and that the referees shouldn't judge what Nick did 2 years ago cause they should judge the paintings and Mr.Peterson hasn't even looked at Nick's paintings.  

And now Franco and Ralph are playing basketball and Johnno comes to them. And Franco and Ralph think that they should try to get back Nick in the team and they think Johnno's shoot area little bit less good now than before and it was no offence to Johnno. Johnno is saying that they should forget Nick and that Johnno has found a very good major talent in basketball and that Franco and Ralph should come and witness Johnno's genius brain..... Both Franco and Ralph are woundering why they would go on a ballet concert but Johnno said that they would look at their New slam Dunkers their New major talent....But Ralph and Franco think that they should still try to find a solution of how they would get Nick back in the team again but Johnno said that they should go to the place where they will have the ballet concert because that is the place where the magin happens. And Emily shows what kind of movements she will show on the ballet show and that Emily is a clam and Emily thinks the movements she's got as a clam is really boring . But Emily would really like to be seahorse and she shows Holly the movements she would like to have if she would have been a seahorse and Holly says that she could help Emily to get that seahorse out.

And later on Nick and Holly is going to school and Holly brings some colours with her and Nick wounders what ,Holly is going to use all those colours for and Holly says that she's going to give them to Emily and that those colours would be used for Emily's seahorse suit and that it would be a surprise for Emily's ballet teacher and even Nick think it's interesting. And then a basketball rolls up and Nick gives the basketball to Joel with bad looks on each other and Holly wounders if there's still some kind of big deal between Joel and Nick and Nick says that there's no big deal between them, and Rhen Ms. Rochachelli comes and Nick says that he has decided to be a part of the contemporary art competition, but Ms. Rochachelli says that Nick is doing really good work but that he cannot be a part of the competition because Mr.Peterson doesn't want Nick to be a part of the contemporary art competition and then she shuts up cause Joel pass through. And Ms.Rochachelli says that she's very sorry and then Nick goes away. And Holly says that she thinks it's unfair to Nick because Ms.Rochachelli said that Mr.Peterson hasn't even looked at Nick's paintings.

And meanwhile Johnno is with Hamish in the P.E hall and Johhno says that Hamsih could be their team's New slam dunker and that there are a lot of atlethism in Hamish. And Hamish says that beaktats wanted to be a basketballer, or play cricket and some other kinds of sports, and Johnno is saying that he in the future would see Hamish Moore everywhere on basketball cards and so on and that Hamish just has to learn the basics in basketball and that Hamsish could be their team's New slam dunker and with that very useful for The Outlaws. At the same time Hamish Moore is trying to slam dunk, but he's pointing his toes to much and Hamish is not jumping to high to slam dunk and Hamish hasn't got the right movement and he cannot even catch a basketball Johnno threw towards him, but Johnno said that they would train on it.

And meanwhile Holly and Nick talked about getting Nick back into the contemporary art competition and Nick said that Holly shouldn't joke about it. But Holly said What about Fred Nicolas and Nick woundered who Fred Nicolas is and then Holly said exactly. They came up with the idea to Ms. Rochachelli and Nick woundered it it wasn't catchy and Holly said that Mr.Peterson doesn't know every kid in the school. And Ms.Rochachelli thought it was a good idea and shesaid to "Fred Nicolas to put his paintings on her desk and Holly and Nick were very happy right now.

And Hamish couldn't score a goal because he missed the basket every time, but when Hamish hurts his own foot he can't do the show he's going to have tomorrow and Johnno said that someone Else could be the teacher's neptune but the ballet teacher said there's only one Malé ballet star in the ballet class and that's Hamish find another balletstar for the show pr that Hamish would be magi al on crunches. But Hamish says that Johnno could be the balletstar tomorrow cause Hamish thought that Johnno has learnt a little bit about ballet and the ballet teacher accepted it and now was the star in the concert tomorrow. You're in bigger trouble if you tell someone about this said Johnno to Emily. So the ballet teacher is introducing and learning him all the basics in ballet and how to do the moves like plié and about bending your legs and straighten your toes toes very much.

Holly comes over to Nick to give him some snacks but she would like to watch out Nick's paintings and Holly is so excited and she couldn't almost wait but Nick doesn't want to show the paintings or at least give Holly a clue about what the paintings are about but Nick won't show Holly the paintings before after the contemporary art competition but Holly says that Nick couldn't hide the paintings away from Holly like forever, but Holly respects Nick and she left him and just gave him some good snacks.

And Johnno is still practicing before the show with his "New ballet teacher" she's teaching Johnno how he shall perform during the show and that it will be an underwater show with creatures for the ocean and that Johnno would raise some kind of trident and that Johnno would be like the lion on the savanna but in the water. And then Johnno thinks that he just can't pull it of and he goes away from his ballet teacher and she tells him to come back but Johnno doesn't listettor her so Hamish stopped Johnno from going away from the practice lesson, Hamish said that now he's a basketballer withan injury and that now Johnno is a ballet dancer as a substitution (sub) for him. But Johnno thinks it's embarrasing to perform in front of people but Hamish said that Johnno should relax cause there's just tickets for nannies for the concert but Johnno has given Ralph and Franco tickets for the concert.

And Johnno is saying to his friends Ralph and Franco to not go to the show because it would be embarrasing and humiliting for him but he can't do it and Johnno is trying to buy of Franco's and Ralph's tickets but the won't sale the tickets after what Johnno told them about that they could come and look at their future slam dunker in The Outlaws and now Johnno right now just thinks that it's going to be so humiliating and embarrasing for him when Franco and Ralph are going to look at him on the concert.

The following day everyone is changing clothes before the concert but Johnno is to frightened to go out on stage and he's locking in himself on the toilet and Hamish and the ballet teacher tries to get him out of there but then Emily said to him that he must come out cause he has made this mess and he's going to find a solution of his mess. After that the show begins all the ballet dansers are doing really well with their moves on the show and the nannies are getting impressed and then it's Johnno's turn to come out on stage and Ralph and Franco cannot believe what they are seing right now, Johnno is very clumsy and he didn't do everything correct even though Hamish and the ballet teacher showed him how to do but nannies were happy after the concert and they gave all the ballet dansers a round of applause but during the show Emily helped Johnno to try to do the right things but Johnno did everything wrong because he hasn't the good feeling for ballet and he roughed many ballet girls during the show cause Johnno was very clumsy and Johnno was very embarrased and humiliated but the nannies liked the show very much but Johnno did the finish correct by raising his trident but Raplh and Franco was just stunned over what they've just seen.

And meanwhile it's the contemporary art contest and Holly wounder which paintings Nick has done but Nick didn't want to show Holly his paintings yet but Holly said that Nick couldn't hide his paintings for Holly forever and they were looking at many paintings on the Wall and there were many nice paintings and Ms.Rochachelli said to Nick and Holly to be back at the place were they stood 4'o clock and then finally they found one of Nick's paintings or "Fred Nicola's" paintings but now it's time to appoint the winner of the contemporary art competition and woman is playing attention to everyone and she tells that Fred Nicolas is the winner of the contemporary art competition, and that Nick is from Woolich High and that Woolich High will get a check of 50 000 Australian dollars. In Nick's speech his thanking Woolich High for giving him the opportunity to make his paintings and to Holly for helping Nick very much in this competition or beside very much for saying to Nick to anticipate in this competition. And Mr.Peterson was very confused to how Nick Fraser could win the competition and a photographer wanted to photograph Nick and Mr.Peterson together and so the photographer did and the photographer woundered what Mr.Peterson thought about Nick's paintings and the only thing Mr.Peterson said it's a winner.

In the changing room after the show Franco and Ralph are teasing Johnno after they saw how Johnno performed on the stage and they tried to show Johnno how he looked on stage by trying to do the same movements and show how silly Johnno was on stage and Ralph and Franco said that they instead of trying to find a New slam dunker on a ballet show should try to concert about how they shall try to get back Nick into The Outlaws again and Johnno agreed with Ralph and Franco. Johnno said to Hamish that he sucked on the show but Hamish said that he was good who tried his best on the show but Johnno said that he was as bad as Hamish is at basketball and then Hamish got sad but Johnno cheered him up by saying that he surely would come in on the national ballet school but that surely meant that Hamish hasn't got a future as a basketball player and Johnno said that Hamish would rock the national ballet school and that Hamish was born to fly.

After that everyone have left the building where the contemporary art competition Holly and Nick stood and looked at Nick's paintings and Holly tried to find the message from all of the paintings Nick has made. They talked about that Nick burnt down the community hall 2 (two) years ago and Nick said that that was the reputation but then Holly thought that it was strange that there was Teo guys on the paintings and then Nick told her that is was one old friend who didn't get caught but Nick was caught and then Holly could see the shadow from the old friend who ran away and the shadow showed the number 5 and then Holly said that that was the number Joel Peterson has got on his basketball singlet and at last Holly understood that Joel came away with it and that they messed with firecrackers and that it was a mistake to why they burnt down the community hall. And it just took 5 minutes for the community hall to catch fire said Nick before. And Holly thinks it's unfair and Nick says that he was caught and Joel came away with it and that that's the end of the story, Holly says that everyone thinks Nick is criminal but Nick tells Holly that he doesn't care about what other persons thinks but he care about what others think and then Holly woundered why Nick painted this then if he doesn't care about what other persons thinks and then Nick said because he cares about what Holly think about him.

The message from this episode were that youshouldn't try to disturbing a ballet class who are practicing for a big underwater ballet concert as Johnno did but I can understand that Johnno was impressed of how high altitude Hamish could teacher when he jumped but it is still wrong to disturb the ballet class when they are concentrated because it make them lose focused and concentration, you shouldn't either try to stop someone to be a part of a competition as this person really likes really much even though this person burnt down the community hall 2 years ago but newsflash that's 2 years ago Mr.Peterson you have to leave it and forget it for a while and that was really mean to Nick Fraser to try to stop Nick for anticipation in the art competition and to not even look at Nick's paintings that's just like lowering Nick very much and that would just made me (if I was Nick) very sad and angry, one message is that Johnno shouldn't even tried to let Hamish try to slam dunk when Johnno knows that ballet stars are pointing their toes very much and that you never can slam dunk then and when Johnno sees Hamish try to slam dunk and not thinking that Hamish maybe would get an injury if Hamish would fall in the wrong position if hewould have slam dunked and you can from this little thing learn that you shouldn't try to do something that you aren't sure and confident with, you shouldn't either say to your friends that you had found our next slam dunker on a ballet show and I can almost not believe that Franco and Ralph believed in what Johnno said about that he had found their New slam dunker on a ballet show but you could also understand it because ballet and basektball is a little bit similar like similarities with the jumping thing but Johnno couldn't also see the differences, and that Johnno had to replace Hamish was Johnno's punishment for being so oppinionated with that Hamish would try to slam dunk and the punishments were that Johnno had to do ballet exercises, Ralph and Franco would come and watch him on the concert which would be really humiliating and embarrasing for Johnno and that Franco and Ralph would tease Johnno afterwards, another thing you could learn is that Holly supported Nick very much by saying that Nick should anticipate in the contemporary art competition because Nick is a good painter and I think that was very warmhearted, kind from Holly, and another thing I think was very clever from Holly was to change Nick's name to let him anticipate in the art competition because Mr.Peterson didn't let Nick anticipate in the art competition and it that way it was right but in another perspective Nick is lies about his own name which could be very dangerous to lie because if you start to lie then you could not almost stop, it was also very childish from Johnno to lock in himself on the toilet before the show but it was good that Emily convinced Johnno to come out of the toilet and I can also understand why Nick wanted to stay in the toilet because it was embarrasing and humiliating for him to perform in a ballet class but it was a mess that Johnno himself had created and he had to perform to get the job with the concert done, another thing I think was good was that  Nick won the art competition and that persons apreciated his paintings and that Nick could earn some money for his school and it was good that Nick could anticipate in this competition and that he thanked Holly for coming up with the idea to change Nick's name was very thankful from Nick which I thought was very nice, I think it was good that Mr.Peterson could see that Nick won the competition so that Mr.Peterson for next time it's a competition could stop someone from being with in a competition and that's unfair and I don't like unjustice just because it wasn't fair from Mr.Peterson to try to stop Nick from anticipation in the art competition, and the last message from Nick's paintings and that they could show that it wasn't just Nick who burnt down and that you could see that someone tried to escape from the burning community hall and that this other person didn't want to stand for what he's done but Nick stood up for what he had done and it's not fair that it's a heardsay about that Nick is criminal, the paintings could also tell us who the other person was if you look at the shadow after the other person and that is the number 5 and that's the number Joel Peterson is wearing on his basketball singlet and you could come into that subject when you see the burning basketball Nick has painted and that Nick had painted right 5 paintings and Holly draw that connection which was very clever from Holly, and the last thing was a thought from my side and a message from this episode was that Nick painted this paintings because he cares about what Holly thinks not about what all the others think and in this situation it's very independent from Nick and all humans can learn something from this and try to be a little bit more independent as an inspiration and it's very good that Nick just cares about what Holly thinks in that perspective.

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