onsdag 18 december 2013

Holly's heroes part 6, 7

Part 6) Three man weave. This part was about when the class was travelling on their yearly social studies journey and in the bus on the way to the city Jacinta and Holly talked about this Social studies trip about The city challenge cup and that every pupil want their name on the trophy and it was like a treasurehunting competition about the trophy and that they shall find landmarks by solving clues they've got from their teacher. In the bus players from The Rams and from The Outlaws threw paperplanes on each other and Jacinta says to Holly that in this competition the winner takes it all which means this competition is very pretigous. But there is one problem that when the teacher has chosen the groups, the groups are mixed by Ram players and Outlaw players so now they have to compete one day against their enemies and friends. Every player in The Rams and The Outlaws are complaining about that the teams are mixed with players from The Rams and from The Outlaws. The first team was Trish,Nick and Holly and Holly and Trish are arguing about who should be the leader and about who had most experience of them and while the time is going Nick are leasing them to the first Famous building in the town and it was a place where the sun only shines one a year on rememberance day. The second team was Scubi, Ralph and Franco. Scubi wants to but clothes in shops and boutiques and she is browsing a lot and she doesn't care about the competition so much. Ralph wants to buy a basketball singlet and a basketball and so he did and Ralph was very happy with that and then Scubi is complaining about that it took a lot of time for him to buy this stuff and then Ralph said that they weren't in a hurry when Scubi bought a lot of devices like clothes,parfumes and so on. Another team was Joel, Jacinta and Johnno. Joel thinks that one of the clues looks like the olympic  torch and Jacinta is arguing against him because of that everything in life isn't basketball and Jacinta is right and she says that it is the Art Gallery and then they are browsing The Art Gallery. Johnno says that he that when their team get their name on the trophy then it's going to stand The Triple J's for their team and Joel and Jacinta thinks that that was very stupid name. And Johnno are trying to make some lunch for his team. Holly, and Trish are still fighting with each other about who knows the town best and they are meeting each other in the town and they are fighting a lot about who's got the best team and Johnno are saying that it looks like one big happy family when he sees that Holly and Trish are fighting a lot and that makes him happy and Trish and Holly are saying that they have the best team and that they will win the trophy. Joel also says that they don't have a team. Johnno knows that his sister Emily has a marine project in school so he said to all 7th graders to go home and all the 7th graders gave him money for showing them where they can study and learn something about marine species. Mr. Mc Kenzie who works as a diver in the sea and knows everything about the species and the fishes in the oceans. So when all the students from 7th grade comes home to Mr.Mc Kenzie and he says that if they've a library and an assignment that they should do their own research because he hasn't got time to learn all the 7th graders everything about the species and fishes in the ocean near by. So almost seventeen pupils came to Mr. Mc Kenzie's home to learn something about the species and last Emily and her friend Monique came to learn something and Mr. Mc Kenzie said the same thing to Emily as she has said to all the others but then Emily answears that all the pupils have taken the library and cleaned it all out so they had to do their research at Mr. Mc Kenzie's home. Monique and Emily are looking on some species in an aquarium and then Monique pushed a button on the remote for the aquarium by mistake and then the water in the aquarium is falling out but Mr. Mc Kenzie fixed it. Later that day Emily came to apologize about the aquarium and later on about all the 7th graders who came home to Mr. Mc Kenzie and Emily says that she wants to learn a little bit more about the species in the ocean and she looks at a jellyfish and a statsarkitekten and she said that it was really awesome .So on this social studies journey Jacinta, Joel (Jacintas brother) and Johnno are in one team and Joel and Johnno are a little bit stupid and wants to cheat because they are following another team who are solving the clues correctly while Jacinta doesn't want to cheat because she isn't that kind of person who cheats but they lost the team they followed so they know all the clues but they haven't photographed every famous building in the city to solve the clues because they have just got 20 minutes left but they can just photographed some postcards with all the famous buildings on them and right they cheated. Meanwhile Ralph, Franco and Scubi are coming to uncle Gino's restaurant in town where Franco could get his uncle's tomatcocktail sauce recipe. So they went up to the restaurant and ate some food and a guy who served them food was very beautiful for Scubi and she got a crush on him because he also spoke Italian. He helped them solve the clues and they were very happy with that and Scubi had photographed the famous buildings by mistake but the teacher had to se them on the pics (pictures) so they went all the places again and photographed them. Meanwhile Trish and Holly were very positive and happy but on their way to The Art Gallery they lost Trish because she helped a lady in the town who dropped something and then got lost. Holly who is a very kind person was ready to go to find Trish and so they did but there was just 20 minutes left so they had to hurry up. Ralph, Scubi and Franco came first to the teacher by car and won The city challenge cup and they were so happy, the teacher saw that Joel, Jacinta, and Johnno cheated so they were disqualified. When everyone came back home everything was normal The Rams had to get to training and Scubi took The city challenge cup from Ralph and all of her clothes. When Johnno came home all the 7th graders chased him because he took their money and they wanted their money back and the basketball term in this episode was a three man weave when a weave with three men are passning the ball in speed and precision then everything is going smoothly and you should not pass the ball to tight because then you are going fall over cyour mate.  The message from this episode was that you can be friend with anybody as long as this person is nice to you and as long as you can agree with each other in the end, you should never trying to get money by let all 7th graders come home to someone to learn about species in the ocean and then disturbing Mr.Mc.Kenzie, you should not try to cheat because in the end you're just going to punish yourself or your teacher will discover that you have cheated and the last thing i think you can learn from this episode is that the world is not just about basketball. I think all the things you can learn from all this episodes is something that is going to be very useful in my own life and that's very positive.

Episode 7) Crunch time.  It's now time for the big game between The Rams and The Outlaws and The Outlaws trains extra hard to try to beat The Rams. In The Outlaws they are now trying to play their best basketball when it matters most, but they have to stay focused, keep calm and just believe that the can win because I think nothing is impossible but things can be hard to pull of because it's going to be tough because The Rams are a really good team with players like Scubi, Trish, Parker and Joel and they are a extremly good team because they play really good basketball. Holly are hanging around a lot with Jacinta and they are playing a little bit basketball with each other and she tells Holly that her grandpa was a good basketballer in the Australian International Basketball team and Holly can't believe what she just heard because she thinks that Jacinta's grandpa maybe could become the coach for The Outlaws so that he maybe could help the Outlaws have a chance to beat The Rams. But Jacinta plays a little bit basketball Holly gets impressed because she can't dribble much and she doesn't has that kind of skill but she can make awesome three pointers and that could be one of the Kenya for The Outlaws to try to beat The Rams. And after that Jacinta became a member of The Outlaws and when everyone in the team knew she was a member they were really happy then. The Rams are still trying to psych out all the players in the Rams especially Ralph who is easy to psych out they are saying mean things to Ralph and they are trying to get him unbalanced and unfocused before the game that they will play against each other. Everyone in the team are very nervous before the game on the day The Outlaws will play their first game against The Rams. When the game begins the Rams takes the lead because The Outlaws are not playing as a team and they are not focused or concentrated. Nick has to go of the court for being to aggresive on the court and fauling five times. The Rams are roughing a lot on the players from The Rams and according to the rules you can't rough that hard as all The Rams players did to all the Outlaws players but it was Mr.Peterson who said to The players in The Rams to play like this against The Outlaws and i think Mr. Peterson is afraid that The Outlaws maybe would win the game because they also have great players like Holly, Jacinta, Franco, Johnno, Nick, Ralph and Emily. The Outlaws played really good thanks to good advices from Max ( Jacinta's and Joel's grandpa) in the end of the first half so after first half it's tie after a great three pointer from Jacinta when Joel (her own brother) roughed to hard on her. When Jacintas dad sees this he tells his players to go harder on Jacinta over the permitted. In the second half the players in The Rams went harder on The Outlaws players to especially not let Jacinta shoot three pointers and when Holly's mother saw this then she asked Jacinta's grandpa (Max) if it was permitted to rough as much as The Rams and Max answeared that it was not allowed to go that hard on other players as The Rams players did. Thanks for roughing and playing extremly hard The Rams scored much more goals then The Outlaws. And even if The Rams wins the game they are really prouded over each other in The Outlaws. And after this match Max (Jacintas grandpa) becomes their trainer!!!

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