After that everyone in the Outlaws went to the basketball court in Wellington. Well in the stadium Alan Peterson told them the beginning five in their squad against the Waka Toa and Alan Peterson chose to put Nick outside the team and to let Joel have some kind of mainrole in their gameplan. After that they practiced training on shots before changing to their basketball singlets. Nick was a little bit frustrated because their game plan was to play the ball to Joel and let Joel score for them.
Jacinta and Franco who didn't place either in the beginning squad went out from the basketball stadium cause Jacinta thought she wouldn't do anything for the team if she just would sit on a bench. So Jacinta went outside to play with a great chessmaster who was a little bit undefeated and. He was named after great chessmasters. But Jacinta began to play quite well and he was a little bit stunned and impressed at the same time but she. Had to go to the basketball stadium to play the game with her team
Ralph didn't have his lucky number 23 and Ralph and Johnno thought Scubi had taken Ralph's singlet but Scubi denied that she would take Ralph's singlet to joke with him. But when Ralph couldn't get his lucky number 23 then he wouldn't play the game and hide in the changing room with Johnno. But right before the game Scubi came in with Ralph's singlet and Ralph was so happy. and well before the game Alan put some serious pressure on Joel and he said that he wanted Joel's best result. Everyone was also quite concerned cause Jacinta didn't appear but when she appeared at last then she had to change very rapidly. When the game was about to begin then you could see that Scubi had made something funny of Ralph's singlet to make a fool of Ralph.
When the game begin Joel didn't want to pass the ball to anyone because Alan Peterson said that this is also Joel's chance to show that he can have a career outside Australia. So Joel just wanted to score but it never worked out cause the defense took the ball from him and attacked and The Waka Toa had taken a very big lead. Everyone in the Outlaws were a little bit stunned of how Joel played but when everyone else in the team well said that they wanted Joel to pass the ball in the timeout then Joel and Alan just ignored the rest of the team. Alan Peterson was a little bit frustrated of how Joel played and he wanted his son to play much better than he did right now so Alan put some more pressure on Joel. Alan still didn't want to let Nick play and he continued to let Joel charge the Outlaws.
Alan didn't want to change his tactics and The Waka Toa scored baskets after baskets while breaking down both the Outlaws attack and defense in a very good way. And suddenly well in the Holly got confused and she passed the ball to Sandy cause she did for a moment think that she played for the Waka Toa. Alan got very frustrated and he blamed Holly very much for her mistake that cost them 2 points. But at the end of the game Alan was forced to take Nick into the squad casie they were down by many points now and his tactics didn't work. And when he did that then The Outlaws began to play much better they passed the ball with each other and they splitt up the Waka Toa defense and they were in such a good mood and shape as a team and they also had fun with each other.
At the same time Jacinta went from the game cause her father didn't let her play either and she just sat on the bench cause she couldn't play So the great chess master had moved the chessboard to a balcony near by the basketball stadium and well there Jacinta played very well and her tactics worked against the chess master and she won cause he did also get a little bit nervous and he made some fatal mistakes in the end. The great chess master congratulated Jacinta and he hoped that he would play against her again.
But after the game Alan shouted on the team and he thought that they didn't play well in the game against The Waka Toa. Alan said that they couldn't exercute basic offensive, that they couldn't shoot or pass. He blamed Joel most and he said that Joel made one mistake after another, that he didn't make any efforts, and that no good results came out of this game for Joel, and that Joel couldn't take critisism from his dad. But Joel said that his dad doesn't know how it is right out there and he wanted his dad to not continue to tell him that he's better than everyone else. Joel also confessed that it also was his fault that the community center burnt down 2 years ago.
Well after that in the changing room Ralph and Johnno couldn't understand that he hadn't told them this before. Jacinta did ask him calmly why he hadn't told her about this before and he said that she should have questioned him about it. But Holly and Nick could know how Joel felt at then and they said that they had to leave it and go on.
The next day on the airport Jacinta learned Franco how to play chess and Holly, Joel and Nick realised that they were really good in the end of the game and Holly thought that if they could build something of that then they could become a Dream team.
A message from this episode is that it never works to play on your own in a team sport as basketball cause the opponents will break down your offense if you don't change tactics as Mr.Peterson didn't do before it was to late. That Joel didn't want to play the ball to the others in the Outlaws was very selfish and wherever you are in the world people won't like if you are selfish towards them and another message from this episode about this if you are selfish or not: Treat others as you want to be treated. And well there I can understand why all the others in The Outlaws got confused, dissapointed, and frustrated cause they couldn't participets enough in the game. But at the same time I can understand why Joel did as he did cause he has always listened to his father but I think he couldn't handle the huge pressure he had on his shoulders. But to put someone on the bench for a whole game is very mean from Mr.Peterson when you don't have so many players and when the whole mainthing with the creating of The Outlaws. He put Nick on the bench for the whole game cause Nick burnt down the community center 2 years ago. But you have to try to not think of it and leave it for a while in these important moments. You know I've also got some experience of things in my life that I will never ever forget but I'm at least trying to not think of it so often and right there I can understand why Alan Peterson hasn't forgotten what Nick did 2 years ago but he doesn't try to not think of it and I think that is very sad. Another thought of this episode was that I think was that I think it was quite mean from Scubi to change to look of Ralph's singlet and I can understand why Ralph doesn't want to play but to hide in the changing room come on Ralph are you a man or a mouse he's overkilling who much the lucky number 23 singlet helps him to play good in a game so Ralph has got to grow up a little bit. Another message from this episode is that it isn't impossible to beat a good chessmaster if you've got a big motivation and determination to do it. I mean that if you want to win something first you have to make an imgination of it in your head and believe that you could make it become reality and that's exactly what Jacinta did she met him on the road and she believed in herself and she wouldn't give up until she won against him. But at the same time I think it was a little bit mean from her to leave all the others on the court especially when they were you are facing a really good team but it wasn't meant to be in that way but well there I can understand why she left the team cause she would just sit on the bench but if Nick who were in the same situation could stay in the basketball stadium then Jacinta could do the same to. Another message from this episode is that you have in the end got to say what you think and that was exactly what Joel did when he said what he felt in front of his dad and confess that he isn't better than everyone else which is true cause everyone is good in The Outlaws when they want to play great basketball cause today the parents have to listen to what their child/children think/thinks. But I think is was very heroic from Joel to confess that he also burnt down the community hall with Nick to years ago and it was very big hearted from Joel to give Nick some credits for not telling anyone about this for 2 whole years. Another thing I think was very good from Holly, Nick and Joel and it was that they realized that they haven't got a perfect team but that they could build a Dream team in the future if theyvplay as well as they played in the last minutes in the game against the Waka Toa.