An Australian movie
Nature in Australia.
They have temperate that we also have. But they also have subtropical and tropical climatzones that we don't have but they have the same climate in the North part of Australia like they also have in Amazonas in Southamerica. In the middle part of Australia they have subtropical climate like they have in the mediterranean area like in Italy. They have the largest and finest Coral Reef in the world that they have in other parts of the world but not that big and nice. They have much desserts like they have in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and those ointressant and they also do have much desserts in The arabic countries like in Syria, like on the the arabic penisula. And we i. Sweden don't have any dessert. They have much more inhabitants t:en we have in Sweden. Their soil it much flatter then ours. They had a prisoners Island Tasmania that we never had. The climate changes like Bush Fires, thunderstorms and so on is approaching Australia. And that is happening in The Netherlands, The UK, Miami in America, Bangladesh in Asia, New Orleans and in Vietnam in Asia and The Phillipine Islands this is happening very often. But in Sweden climate changes is not happening very often. They have so much more nice features like The Great Barrier Reef, The red rocks and The prisoner Island Tasmania. They have a national park that we don't have in Sweden like they have there.
History in Australia
The people Aborigines were the only people who lived in Australia. They were Nomadic people and they hunted their food with spears, and blowpipes and those kind of things. It's similar to the Indians who lived in America under the same time and hunted their food and they were also Nomadic people who lived in tents. The explorer James Cook who discovered Australia and Christopher Columbus who discovered but the name America is after the Italian discover Amerigo Vespucci. They took prisoners from The Great Britian to Australia to the Island Tasmania. And in America it was the same when The british people came they were slaves for The UK and that is a different because in Australia they didn't took the aborigines to be slaves but they did so with the Indians in America. The people who came there searched for jobs in the cities like the convicts. When James Cook came there and took the country they let the convicts work for them like build roades and houses and some of the convicts got jobs in Australia and but that hasn't happened in Sweden. But we had Wikings that were Nomadic people exactly like the Aborigines were and are today but at the same time not the kind of Nomadic people as the aborigines. They have a really long history as they don't have in America but as we in Sweden have and that's a similar thing between Sweden and Australia. They don't speak the same language as we speak. They are not in the same continent as we are and that's a different thing between Sweden and Australia but New Zeeland, and New Papua Guinea are in the same continent as Australia. They speak the same language as USA, India, and the great Britian because The great britain ruled over Australia in many years and had Australia as a colony and influeded Australia with the British language. The aborigines lived in Australia first and some of their paintings are in rock shelters. The aborigines made their spears and weapons in Wood and the same they made their shelters with Wood and the same they made their boats with wood and so they made their instruments in wood. And it's a similar thing to the indians in America who got their own instruments and that's a similar thing between America and Australia. But a difference between The Wikings and the Aborigines was that a tribe and everyone was a wiking during that historical chapter and that's a different thing between Sweden and Australia. When the british people had settled Australia european immigrants came first to Australia and then Asian immigrants came from Vietnam after the vietnamese war in the 70:s. After that people from all over the world came to Australia and now they have a very big multicultural Society in Australia with people from many countries. That is a similarity between Australia and Sweden who also got a very multicultural Society. In Australia most of the people live nekar by the coast like in Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney and that's a similarity like in the USA were most people live in LA, New York, New Orleans, Miami, Washington and so on. And it's the same thing in Sweden were people live in Stockholm,
Gothenburg, and Malmö.
Animals in Australia.
The animals in Australia is marsupials= with a pouch were they have their children. Joey is a kind of kangaroo like ,camels, wombats is like a giant guinea pig and East grass, and bark,the echidna is like another kind of marsupials. They have a big bord that lives in Australia and is very big but can't fly like an ostrich. There they have eucalyptus leaves that keps it's leaves all year and kualas only eat eucalyptus leaves, they have crockodiles like lives in the water and they attack the tourists that don't listen to the warning signs. They don't have these animals in countries like Sweden, Germany, Denmark and many other countries with could climates because these animals are created to be in hot climate and can't live in could climate because then they would propably be endangered and die out in the cold climate we have here in Sweden. These animals just lives in Australia because they can swim in the water. Only the food they need is growing in Australia. It's like their habitats in Australia. And Australia has been isolated for a very long time and that's a reason to why these animals just lives in this part of the world. These animals could propably live in The Phillipines, New Papua Guinea, New Zeeland because they also have the right kind of climate were these animals can live. In countries like America, Sweden and Canada were the country not has been isolated for a long time. And in other countries like Canada, Sweden and America they don't have the habitats that these animals needs.
Natural resources in Australia.
Australia has many farming is a very big industri, wool was one of the biggest exports for and used the sheep for clothing, they are the biggest exports of beef in the world, they have many mineral resources that they've found first was gold, iron orn, coal uranium has Always been big exports for Australia. In Sweden we also have much iron orn, water power stations and most of everything they have much forest in Sweden. In Australia they don't have any forest as we in Sweden has. We and they have iron ore but they got some diamonds in minerals that we don't have. We got many water power stations as they don't have so much of in Australia. But they've got gold, and coal as we don't have so much of here in Sweden. Education is very popular in Australia because many students comes to Australia to study for college every year. We don't have so much of that here in Sweden propably because it's very cold here in Sweden and they have much more tourists there.
Recreation in Australia.
They have many sports like Australians play and that is Australian rules fotboll with their own football and it's were popular were peoples comes to watch matches and 120,000 peoples is watching a final game. They also have cricket which is very popular family sport to play on the beach with the family. In the beach surfing and swimming is very popular sports in the beach and they have a lot of competitions in surfing. They also have a very Famous building in Sydney and that is the opera house and were they have concerts in Australia and it's designer is a Danish designer. In Sweden we play cricket some times but that isn't the most popular sport here because our most popular sport is football and our football is a little bit similar to their football because they use their hands when they play which we don't do. But it's a little bit similar to rugby in America like to run around with the ball but it's still a difference because they use a football and in America they maybe don't have the same kind of goals as they have in Australia. We are not surfing so much in Sweden because our water is to cold because of the climate. We are swimming in the sea like they do but just in the summer when the water is warm enough, but in the winter we in Sweden swim in Klitterbadet a swimminghouse because then the water is to cold swim in. But in America surfing like in Miami is very popular and swimming in the water is very popular also. They also have cricket in the Great Britain because when The Great Britain settled Australia they introduced cricket to Australia. In America they have rugby which is a little bit like cricket but it's a difference between cricket and rugby and with that a difference between America and Australia. They have a opera house in Sydney and that is a very Famous building in Australia. In Sweden we have The Globe were we have The melodyfestival and some concerts and that is a very similar thing between Sweden and Australia. And in America I don't think they have a concert house for concerts and that's a difference between America and Australia.
Australian personality.
And you can say that the Australians have a very short history with many convicts in the society and that the Australians are helping the poor people to help them with everything they need like to get food, water and clothes. The Australians are not showing any respect for the authority in the country. They have a very multicultural Society with peoples from many different countries, peoples with different beliefs, and with different cultures and traditions. So there are not just Australians in the society. In Sweden we are showing much respect for the authoritiy but in countries were one leader is ruling the country and no one can say what they think there the people is propably not showing any respect for the authority like in Syria, Egypt and those countries because they can't vote on an another person in the governmental choice one time in 4 years. But in countries like in Sweden, Norway, Germany, America, and Denmark for an example because here we don't have a dictator without a demokratin society were everyone that's 18 (eighteen) years old and have a swedish citizenship can vote on who they think shall be our promenad minister like Fredrik Reinfelt is right now. And that's a difference between Australia and Sweden. And that's a similar thing between Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Australia because they don't show any respect for the authority which is good if you don't live in a democratic country. And they are helping peoples in the society that have it reallly tough right now. In Sweden we are doing the same but it can be with refugees that comes to Sweden and that's a similar thing between Australia and Sweden. And that we have peoples here that don't have it so easy is the same here in Sweden, in America, and that's the same in Australia as here in Sweden like the romes don't have it so easy here in our society.